Exhuasted! Shall help baby post and off to finish up my project!
Baby wake up around 12pm. Msg me and went to prepare.
Meet up at inter small mac. We had our lunch at $1.80 chicken rice.
After lunch walk around T1 and TM. Brought J.CO Yogurt and Donut.
Walk to 940 meet Brian. Saw Kelvin. Chat, Smoke and Eat donut...
Headed to opp bus stop meet Vanessa.
Bus-ed to my school, having YOG Event.
Reach school, wait for his friend(dunno his name) to come. LOL!
Blahblahblah! Went off around 7pm.
Meet baby childhood friend at inter.
Bus-ed to 700 plus coffee shop. Had our so call dinner/supper.
After dinner/supper baby send me to bus stop(:
He is still outside...drinking with friends! Bye!
Hope baby have lots of fun today(: